Window Tinting In Charlotte, NC

 If you’re thinking about installing a new tint film, you’ll have to make a few important decisions before pulling the trigger. A few of the important questions you need to ask to determine which window tint is right for your car include:

 What is most important? Different tints offer individual attributes. Some – like the entry level dye window tint are mainly aesthetic – to make the windows appear darker on the outside. There are ceramic tinting products that give you the best of all worlds. So, before you decide which tinting is best – write down what attributes are important to your specific application.

 What is your budget? Obviously, the cost of the window tint and installation is another important factor to determine. The problem is – determining the cost of window tint is based on several variables including:

 The type of tint: The main factor that determines the price of window tint is the installation. The cost for material itself is inexpensive. This is what often teases many car owners to attempt the DIY route. However, usually mistakes are made, and reordering new material, paying for more shipping, and the time to clean up adhesive just makes it impractical.

 Lower grade window tint (such as the dye window tint) will be cheaper (not only in quality but in price), while the advanced ceramic or carbon-based window tints will have a premium price. It’s similar with comparing ceramic coatings. Spray on hybrids are cheaper than longer-lasting 9H ceramic coatings.

 The cost of labor: The second element that impacts your budget is the cost of labor. However, not all window tints are applied the same. Some will take more time, and thus – have an increased labor cost. The good news is that professional auto salons will simplify the estimate process for you by providing a flat rate for the entire job.

 How long are you keeping the vehicle? The final question you’ll ask before choosing a window tint for cars is how long you plan on keeping the vehicle. It makes sense that you’d want to purchase a window tint that will last as you own your ride.

 Most window tints have a life expectancy from 3 to 5 years. However, there are new window tints entering the market in 2020 that can hold up even longer. There are several variables that will impact the longevity of car window tint which can affect car’s resale value including:

 The quality of the tint: Not all window tint is equally made. Window tint is no different than any other car care product, as some manufacturers put more effort, engineering, and technology to come up with a finished product. In general, the quality of window tint is based on the type of tint (as explained in the first section), the adhesive bond (which helps it stick to the glass), and the application technique.

 The exposure to direct sunlight: Window tints main task is to block UV or IR from entering the vehicle. However, it has its limits as to how much it can absorb. If a vehicle is parked outside frequently, it can prematurely wear the window tint. This is especially true in hot climate regions.

 The application: While it’s lower on this list, the application of the window tint is arguably the most important factor for longevity. Professional detailers and auto salons are trained on installation techniques for the specific window tints they sell to customers. They take time to ensure the correct prep work has been completed, ensure the tint is correctly bonded, and has cured prior to releasing to the car owner.

 To get the most out of your window tint, always defer to a professional installer.

 The window tint application process basically breaks down to a four-step process for the professional auto salon. If you’re looking for tips on how to install a DIY window tint, it’s always best to refer to the specific instructions provided by the manufacturer. For those who’d like a general understanding on how window tint is applied, this video on window tint installation will provide some great information.

 As the saying goes – prep work makes the dream work. This is especially important when applying a new window film tint to your car, truck, or SUV. Once you pick the type of window tint, the tint percentage, and other custom factors, the installer will begin the process by prepping the windows that will be applied.

 Prep work is always customized by the auto salon completing the tint installation based on a few variables. First, the condition of the existing window. If you have a new car – direct from the factory, the amount of grime or other cleaners / treatments is going to be less severe than an older vehicle. If you have a car with an existing window tint, it will have to be removed – which can be tricky.

 The main objective with prep work is to ensure the installer has a perfectly clean canvass to work with. They use special cleaners and prep solutions to ensure there is no oil, grease, or film left on the window prior to application.

 The second step is to measure the window receiving the tint and fitting it for a seamless installation. Most professional tint installers will complete most of the measuring, fitting, and final cutting on the outside of the window.

 The process within this step will vary based on the exact type of window tint you’re purchasing. Some are pre-cut based on manufacturer’s specs, others must be custom measured, fitted, and cut by hand. There isn’t a benefit either way – especially if you’re having a certified window tint installer complete the service.

 Again, this step will vary based on the specific tint material, and the techniques recommended by the tint manufacturer. Typically, the installation or application of the window tint on the inside is the quickest part of the overall tint job – as measuring, fitting, and cutting tends to take the most time.

Window Tinting

 The window tint is always applied on the inside of the window, so several variables including the access to the windows, how much fabrication (or removing trims pieces and such) is needed, and simple ‘moving around space’ can extend the time for installation.

 Professional auto salons will provide a transparent estimate based on your specific vehicle, the amount of windows you want to tint, and any other expenses associated.

 Before your car is handed over, the professional detailer will take the time to ensure everything is cleaned, the window film has cured, and you’re aware of any post purchase restrictions. Most window tints require the car owner to not roll down windows for a day or two, to ensure the adhesive has dried and fully bonded to the window.

 In fact, research shows that the temperature inside a car climbs 19 degrees above the outside temperature in 10 minutes! After an hour, the temperature inside the vehicle rises to about 45 degrees hotter than the temperature outside.

 Let’s say it this way: hopefully, you aren’t on your way to an important appointment, meeting, or event because your face is bound to be flushed, and sweat spots will likely be soaking through your clothing.

 Thankfully, quality window tint can keep the interior of your vehicle comfortable, even on the most oppressive days.

 At Sun Stoppers, we want you climbing out of your vehicle feeling fresh. But we also know that window tint does a lot more than keeping you cool.

 At Sun Stoppers, we want you climbing out of your vehicle feeling fresh. But we also know that window tint does a lot more than keeping you cool.

 We’re talking about things like increasing your privacy, protecting your car’s interior, and defending your skin from the sun – and that’s just the beginning.

 We know what window film is in the most basic sense: it’s a thin laminate film that can be installed on glass surfaces in automobiles, boats, homes, and commercial buildings.

 It is easily recognized by how it often darkens glass and creates an attractive finish on any type of window.

 Exploring the science behind window tint is incredibly fascinating. Let’s take a look!

 Although there are many types of window tinting film on the market, most window films start as small pellets of a material called polyethylene terephthalate or PET.

 PET is used as the base material for window tints because it has marvelous optical clarity and strength.

 To begin, PET pellets are first melted down into a semi-liquid state. Once in that form, the material is stretched into polyester sheets.

 Other chemicals and materials that block ultraviolet (UV) light are typically added during this stretching process.

 Next, dyes or metals are added to the polyester sheeting. Whether a dye or metal is added depends upon the intended type, quality, and function of the film.

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